Mont Blanc du Tacul (voie Contamines-Grisolle)

This is a very nice summit (4248 m) that I did during the summer of 2001 with Denis Gonzales. We took one of the first 'cabines' from Chamonix to l'Aiguille du Midi.

This is a pictere taken from Le Mont Blanc du Tacul from the foot of l'Auiguille du Midi. I went to the summit of Le Mont Blanc du Tacul before, using 'la voie normale' (right side of the picture). This time we took 'la voie Contamine-Grisolle' (middle of the picture, through the rocks). The steepness is on average 45/50 degrees, with one passage of 65 degrees.


A steeper part on ice:


A nice picture taken during the last part of the climb (after le sommet du Triangle):


More pictures from this climb

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