Tour Ronde, face nord

Weather conditions weren't very good the day we did this one. We were the first party to start on the north face that day. A second party was about to cancel but started anyway when they saw us tracing the route.
Later that day, we heard that two guides were caught by an avalanche in the normal route and dragged along for about 100 metres. The only trouble the weather gave us was that we started descending in the wrong gully. When the smog dissapeared for a few seconds we saw the Brenva glacier beneath us and realized our mistake. We climbed up again about 50 meters and started decending in the right gully, direction 'vallee blanche'.
A very nice classic climb. Quite steep though!

La Tour Ronde

Lots of snow on the final Arête before the summit:

La Tour Ronde

I found a nice picture on the Internet that shows the steepness of the face:

La Tour Ronde
photo by Quang-Tuan Luong/, all rights reserved.

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