ts is a commandline timesheet tracking system. It works on the level of customers, projects and timesheets. Data is store in a MySQL db that can be running locally or on a remote host. To make and install the program: 1. ./configure --with-mysql=<path to MySQL> 2. make 3. make install 4. create the database: mysql tsdb < database/create.sql (You can use another name than 'tsdb' for your database. The name of the database has to be specified in the configuration file.) 5. Create a configuration file based on the sample configuration file in this directory (ts.conf.sample). You can either place a file named .ts.conf in your home directory or use a global configuration file /etc/ts.conf. If all this works fine, try 'ts help' to get an overview of the program syntax. Some samples: Creating a new customer: $ ts customer add customer1 "Customer nr 1" customer1 is the unique key for this customer, "Customer nr 1" is the description. The key can be maximum 20 characters, the description maximum 100 characters. Get a list of existing customers: $ ts customer list Creating a project: $ ts project add customer1 project1 "First project for customer nr 1" This creates a project for the customer with key customer1. Get a list of projects: $ ts project list Start a timesheet: $ ts start customer1 project1 Stop a timesheet: $ ts stop customer1 project1 "Description of what you did..." (the description is optional) Get a list of timesheets: $ ts timesheet list customer1 project1 Modifying a timesheet: $ ts timesheet modify 1 remark "New description." (you can also change the start/stop time) You can have a look at the full list of commands by entering: $ ts
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